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The Power of Trends in Educational Technology


              Sir Ken Robison in the changing paradigms video, made an excellent radiography of the architecture and the culture of the education institutions. The history of reforming education is associated more with the economy, cultural identity, and political systems interests. Especially under the globalization trend and national security strategies. To change this education structure to an educational system that reduces the huge gap of opportunities between disadvantaged communities and wealthy families is very complex. This reality involves billions of dollars and many related interest. 


              The implementation of internet as a global network has been historical for the impact on culture, education, communication, technology, and languages to many vulnerable communities around the world. Especially in urban areas that have access to it. Hundreds of young people live with no hope for a better future. With access to the internet learning math, science, reading, writing, and new skills. They strive to learn, no matter the limitation.  


              The digitalization of education is an ongoing trend of the present and future in the US and the world. The fight against inequality for education is the most crucial way to help people get out of poverty in order to have better standards of life.  Internet in new generations will help visualize, develop, enrich, and expand student’s potential.  Where the education system is drastically changed into something more relevant and applicable to the necessity of global demand.


              During the COVID19 pandemic we faced daily challenges to teach on distance learning (synchronous, asynchronous, hybrid, and face to face in digital settings). We learned new pedagogy strategies and software such as Itslearning, GoFormative, GoGuardian, google integration, mastery connect, and zoom.


               GoFormative and GoGuardian are programs that can allow teachers to understand learners’ behavior and trends.  We also face the pressure, especially in Math and Language Art to convert the computer into a digital paper to train students for the STAAR test and standardized curriculum, especially in title I schools.  We noticed how many students succeed on distance learning and how many struggle with learning at their “own pace”. This concept requires a deep analysis.  Low internet speed, economical situations of the families; poor learning environment; internet gaming disorders (particularly in boys); and low expectations of families where the priority is to survive, all affect the education of learners. How can we help change this reality? 


              In short, educational technology tools and software programs are powerful and can help to close the historical education gap between social classes.  If articulated with the participation of the school community, the cultural identity, and the empowerment of students and teachers. Where our students in title I schools can give 200 uses of a paper clip, instead of 15.  Creating the right learning environment.  Where our students do not lose the capacity of being creative, innovate, and imaginative that they showed in kindergarten. Where we can cultivate the mind of our children for their world, the world of their future. 



  Robinson, S. (2010, Oct 14) RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms.  Retrieved


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