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Leading Organizational Change

                                                                                    By Jose Moreno            Speaking to Hearts

         For many years, remarkable people like John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, and John Sweller have argued for the urgency of education reform through their research and theories. Dozens of consultants visit school districts year after year aiming to improve education. Meanwhile, hundreds of good teachers spend their lives in classrooms delivering content and passing on their knowledge.  Everyone blindly believes in what they do. However, the traditional education remains strong in a high percentage of schools. Given the variety of forces at play and execution of programs, major changes in the education system are difficult to implement. Many students struggle in school, since, it is unnatural environment to learn.


 How can learners meet their full potential and be powerful influencers on making a better world?  Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change that you want to see in the world.” This inspiring   us to reflect on the perceptions and expectations we have as educators; it invites us to reflect on our impact on students’ achievement and vital behavior every day.  We need to be proactive as agents of change throughout education.  It is not enough to do “the best we can.” We must know the “why” of what we do in the classroom. Once we understand the “why”, “we can do the best” on planning and executing instruction strategies with lead measures. We must believe in the potential of each learner to empower them cultivate curiosity, creativity, and a high-level of thinking with meaningful connections and authentic learning experiences. We must provide our learners with plenty of opportunities for them to forge their own truths, beliefs, and purposes.     



We believe that inspiring and empowering learners to be creative and seek innovation leads them to more meaningful opportunities throughout their life.  



We provide diverse opportunities for scholars empower them to pursue their dreams and goals in a collaborative and authentic learning environment with their identity in mind.



Learners build ownership and foster a growth mindset throughout their interaction with technology applications (coding, design, and prototyping) that promote them to be leaders of change, starting in their own community.   


A Sense of Urgency

It is imperative that school administrators and teachers understand and internalize that the world evolves quicker in the digital age. Therefore, we cannot delay preparing learners for that reality. We must give them tools for a bright future with solid foundations. We cannot continue teaching today’s generations in the same way we were molded. Today generations seek choices, ownership, and a global voice via authentic learning experiences. Learners must be the center of the education model not teachers so, they can reach their full potential.  As a learning facilitator, we must focus on students and appeal to their emotions, not just their minds. We need to create strong bonds with students; we have to hear and understand them. Finally, we must learn from them. It’s crucial that we stablish this sense of urgency and make significant changes so that way may empower the next generation to be led their lives and community.



Farber, K. (2010) Why great teachers quit and how we might top the exodus. Corwin


Harapnuik H. (2016, January 18) What’s You Why – EDLD 5304 Module 1.

Retrieved from


Kotter, J. (2013, August 15) Leading change: Establish a sense of urgency.

Retrieved from


Kotter, J.  (2011,  March 23) The heart of change.

Retrieved from


Sinek, S (2013, September 29) Start with why.

Retrieved from












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